GB Holistic Regression Therapy Training
Just a few words about the course: I am very grateful to all beings on earth and unearthly, that my path led to Mrs. Bernadeta Hodkova and her course of GB HRT. As a therapist I have dealt with regression therapy in previous years. I had worked with clients according to the methodology of Andrei Dragomirecky. But the technique and methods as are being taught and presented by Mrs. Hodková I totally fell in love with. .. This journey of self-discovery and learning, healing and recovery through holistic regression therapy is very gentle and non-violent. We can work simultaneously on both the physical level (body work) and on a subconscious level. And still there may be a lot more, far beyond this framework, a subtle influence and healing on many levels ... For everything new that learned I'd love to thank you Bernadeta. .. She is such a great, humanly beautiful and wise teacher. And thank you everyone else for everything that I learned with you and for that amazing atmosphere .. ..where I feel like "home" ...
With love and respect Jana Halbhuberová
1st and 2nd module of the course Holistic regression therapy with Bernadeta HODKOVÁ was entering a new phase of life for me. I sort of already knew when I applied but the real experience came at the course itself. I am very grateful to the universe that I could meet Bernadeta. I consider her to be a teacher - a guide that very sensitively approaches her role. I really appreciate that she could modify easily the course curriculum according to our progress and fluently adapt to our needs and the extent of our experience. Everything was forming naturally due to her own loving approach. I am looking forward to the third module and other related course of Spiritual Regression LBL.
Thank you Bernandet.
L. Soukupova, Czech Republic
Spiritual Regression Training
Dear Bernadeta :-)
Thank you very much for that I could attend your course of spiritual life between lives regression.
Are you an experienced, qualified hypnotherapist and that I greatly appreciate it. Not only have you taught us this great method of how to introduce a client to his past life and previous existence in the world of souls and between incarnations, but you gave us the opportunity to make contact with our own spiritual insights. Even though I have yet little experience, I can say that when clients experience their own genuine identity of their own soul, they experience this liberating feeling. This experience of LBL brings on a new peace and spiritual
understanding. I understand the fact that we all live in a common world, where everyone one is free from any boundaries. I look forward to be able to help my clients to accept life and who they are and rejoice with them.
:-) Dear Bernadeta, with love and thanks to you for providing this gift.
I also want to thank for the course. For me it was an amazing week full of meetings with extraordinary and nice people, experiences and methods that spoke to me the most. Big thanks to you, Bernadeta for your kind and appealing approach and your knowledge, and you Kristyna also for your sense of humor, that made our learning such a pleasant experience.
Dear Bernadeta,
I came to the course of Spiritual Regression out of curiosity - what exactly is the Spiritual Regression?
Now I know that I explored all Love, Joy, Understanding, and Light of my soul.
I hope that I will be able to pass this knowledge on.
Thank you Bernadeta and I am looking forward to your further courses.
Svetlana from Prague
Dear Bernadeta!
I feel that a new perspective opened in front of me for my work with people under your loving guidance and reception!
I came to the course because I wanted my own experience of our spiritual home, this meeting and reception, as I read in Michael Newton's book .
I did not expect it would be for me so fulfilling and inspiring! In my 49 years of age I've experiences courses that were some more and some less scrolling forward the path of my evolution. I did not expect, however, that the most beautiful week of my life will be on your course of Spiritual Regression in Antarik!
I allowed myself to finally be myself, and I felt tremendous support and not only from my spiritual home. I feel that what I received is for me the greatest gift in life. I know that I accept myself, with all that I am. Well, that last drop of acceptance happened in completion LBL Spiritual Regression course!
And I feel that your support remains when consulting my work with individual clients with you. I am immensely grateful.
Katka Šimčisková/Anna Purná Beni som spoznala v doteraz najťažších chvíľach mojho života. V tom čase sa všetko okolo mňa rúcalo a ja som zúfalo hľadala čoho sa mám chytiť, aby som neskončila aj ja sama niekde v tej hlbine. Žiaľ nepodarilo sa mi ničoho spoľahlivo zachytiť a na dne som skočila ubolená a neschopná sa postaviť. Stretnutie s touto ženou mi bolo novým svetlom, ktoré svietilo niekde v diaľke, za ktorým som sa začala plaziť, liezť a nakoniec kráčať. Pri terapii som zažívala lety do rozných období mojeho života, v ktorých som bola šťastná a to bolo to, čo ma naštartovalo a donútilo myslieť znova pozitívne. Narodila som sa ako optimista, vždy som rozlievala okolo seba lásku a svet okolo seba som skutočne milovala, toto ťažké obdobie mi dalo poznať, že to tak nemusí byť na celý život a aj o tento dar sa treba starať a pestovať ho. Reiki podávané prostredníctvom Bernadety mi otvorilo cestu späť k samej sebe a tým ako na mňa účinkovalo som pochopila, že aj ja mám čo svetu dávať a začala som sa reiki zaoberať sama. Dnes viem, že skutočne funguje aj na základe mojej vlastnej práce, funguje úplne spoľahlivo aj nadiaľku a je to najúžasnejší sposob liečby čohokoľvek a kohokoľvek, protože otvára človeku cestu k sebe samému a k pochopeniu, že v nás samotných je tá sila, ktorá lieči a pomáha.
Eva (Cz)
Po regresi jsem se citila klidněji. Byla to pro mě zajímavá zkušenost, hlavně kvůli tomu, že jsem měla možnost vnímat téma smrti a okamžik smrti a stav těla a pocitů v tomto okamžiku, to byla pro mě asi nejcennější zkušenost, za kterou děkuji a mám dojem, že to je přesně to, kvůli čemu jsem tam byla přivedena.
Sylva (Cz)
Je suis maman de 3 garçons : 9 ans, 6 ans et 3 ans. J'ai connu le reiki et m'y suis initié au cours de ma 3éme grossesse
Depuis je pratique le reiki avec mes enfants. Une soirée par quinzaine, je propose une soirée reiki poir les 2 ainés. Je m'installe dans la chambre, mets de la musique relaxante et leur impose les mains. J'ai noté qu'ils étaient moins souvent malades qu'avant. Dés les 1 ers symptomes, je leur fais du reiki. Pour le petit de 3 ans, je profite qu'il regarde la tv (moment calme), le fait assoir sur mes genoux. Il est nécessaire de s'adapter à leur position.
Selon eux, le reiki "ça me calme, ça me détend, ça me soigne". L'ainé a été initié au reiki à sa demande avec un autre enfant. Nous organisons donc des groupes de reiki familiaux. Par le biais du reiki, j'espère faire entrevoir à mes enfants la magie de la vie. Je pense que le reiki peut les aider à s'épanouir au maximum de leurs possibilités de façon naturelle
Anne-Marie (France)
During the regression therapy I managed to see myself as a healer, a guide as well as helping others come to healing. And further more being able to go inside my clients and remove poisons, parasites, bad energy and reduce swellings. These experiences have made me a better and more positive healer. I have the proof I seemed to need and the feelings from the past life sessions have helped me know that I can do it for myself in this life too.
Fiona (France)
The subject of my regression session was getting in touch with my “woman” part, feelings and desires. After the session my menstruation cycle went out of order and I was worried of being pregnant. I really felt that feminine strength and sensitivity. Perhaps as a result of that big blow of female energy I was able to make a contact and sort out myself within the relationship that led nowhere. The cycle is back to normal.
Beate (Germany)